Mobile Massage Therapy: Get your First Massage for FREE with our Opening Offer

Manual Therapy

At Focal Massage, our approach to therapeutic massage is as deliberate as it is unique, focusing intensively on one specific body area per session.


Cupping therapy tunes into your body's needs, customizing sessions with precise application to zero in on your areas of discomfort.

Muscle Scraping

Customized treatment, we target the body's scar tissues with muscle scraping, pinpointing and smoothing out areas of strain and stress.

Luca Janssen LMT | CPT | CES

Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist.

Hello! I’m Luca Janssen, I am the owner and therapist for Focal Massage and I want to share some information about myself with you all. My journey into massage therapy started from a personal place of pain and the struggle to find relief. After an injury left me searching for answers, it was massage therapy that offered me a way forward when nothing else could.

My educational background includes in-depth training in cupping and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), alongside my foundational License in massage therapy and certification in corrective exercise and personal training.

Previously working as a fitness director, I specialized in client intakes, conducting detailed posture and movement analyses to help dozens of clients move freely and without pain.

Outside of my professional life, although not directly related to massage therapy, my passions have shaped who I am and how I approach healing and wellness. Each client I work with benefits from my comprehensive understanding of the body, informed not only by formal education but by a lifetime of personal and professional experiences.

transparent picture of Luca

The Focal Way

Focal Massage is not just another massage place; it’s a full bodywork service that gets you right. Our mission is to switch the massage paradigm from a luxury to a must-have for your health. Our unique approach zeroes in on your specific pain points with 30-minute REAL customized sessions that make a difference, offering an affordable way to keep your body working right.

We combine expert knowledge with simple, at-home care tips to extend the feel-good vibes long after you leave. We want massage to become accessible for everyone, breaking down barriers of cost and time. Ready to change the way you think about massage? Book your first session and step into a healthier, pain-free life with Focal Massage.


My shoulder was hurting a lot when I got my massage. The first massage increased my range of motion by 75%. I was surprised how effective this was, I definitely will be back.
Carla S
It has been a long time since I have seen Luca for a massage, I remember feeling as good as new after. I am very excited to come see him again.
Morgan B
He is very knowledgeable, precise and efficient. His previous studies in kinesiology and personal training shows through his work.
Cristin C
Massage Therapist
During Wresting I got turf toe, it took me out of practice for a while. When I got the bodywork, I finally started seeing some of the pain go away. Highly recommend!
Finn J

Introductory Offer in Effect

In your first session, you will receive a thorough assessment that includes a detailed posture analysis, a localized Range of Motion check, and muscle grading to look for any weaknesses in the muscular system. We then proceed with a customized 30-minute treatment that starts with muscle scraping, cupping, and of course the manual therapy throughout.