Your initial visit to Focal Massage will begin with a 30-minute consultation to thoroughly understand your present symptoms and explore the reasons behind that pain and discomfort. The following half-hour will be dedicated to hands-on therapy, which includes a tailored combination of manual massage, cupping, and muscle scraping, all designed uniquely for you.
The memberships are for the follow up visits, like any other Physical Medicine practice, massage therapy is not a 1-time wondercure. You can’t go to the physical therapist or chiropractor and expect to feel better after one visit. Massage therapy is the same. Therefore we use membership based services to make it more affordable for you to come in more often.
In your first session, you will receive a thorough assessment that includes a detailed posture analysis, a localized Range of Motion check, and muscle grading to look for any weaknesses in the muscular system. We then proceed with a customized 30-minute treatment that starts with muscle scraping, cupping, and of course the manual therapy throughout.