My shoulder was hurting a lot when I got my massage. The first massage increased my range of motion by 75%. I was surprised how effective this was, I definitely will be back.
Carla S
It has been a long time since I have seen Luca for a massage, I remember feeling as good as new after. I am very excited to come see him again.
Morgan B
He is very knowledgeable, precise and efficient. His previous studies in kinesiology and personal training shows through his work.
Cristin C
Massage Therapist
During Wresting I got turf toe, it took me out of practice for a while. When I got the bodywork, I finally started seeing some of the pain go away. Highly recommend!
Finn J
Introductory Offer in Effect
In your first session, you will receive a thorough assessment that includes a detailed posture analysis, a localized Range of Motion check, and muscle grading to look for any weaknesses in the muscular system. We then proceed with a customized 30-minute treatment that starts with muscle scraping, cupping, and of course the manual therapy throughout.